Wednesday, 4 July 2012

100 Things I Think Are Awesome.......

  1.  The kind and considerate man that I love - and who loves me
  2.  Snuffling a warm bunny on a cold winter evening
  3.  The feel of sunshine on my skin
  4. The smell of fresh tropical fruit
  5. CSN - (Clean Sheet Night!)
  6. The feeling of satisfaction when I push myself that little bit harder
  7. The ocean
  8. My eyes
  9. Helping someone
  10. Mountains in Autumn
  11. Soaking in a warm, scented bath
  12. A good book = me time
  13. Life
  14. Children's laughter
  15. Cooking shows - MasterChef and MKR
  16. Heston Blumenthal
  17. Facebook
  18. Good manners
  19. The scent of freshly mowed grass
  20. My family
  21. Photography
  22. Fresh seafood
  23. Honesty
  24. Tea
  25. Thunder and lightning
  26. Losing myself in the beauty of music
  27. Techie toys
  28. Beautiful stationary
  29. Fish - to look at and to eat!
  30. Tooth morphology
  31. Color
  32. Sciene
  33. Modern medicine
  34. Molecular gastronomy
  35. Silence

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